New posts in version-control

Git ignore file for Xcode projects

What's the difference between git reset --mixed, --soft, and --hard?

Getting Git to work with a proxy server - fails with "Request timed out"

How can I stop .gitignore from appearing in the list of untracked files?

Git workflow and rebase vs merge questions

Definition of "downstream" and "upstream"

How to tag an older commit in Git?

Git for beginners: The definitive practical guide

How to list branches that contain a given commit?

Undo git pull, how to bring repos to old state

How do I remove a single file from the staging area (undo git add)?

How can I undo git reset --hard HEAD~1?

How can I view a git log of just one user's commits?

How do I migrate an SVN repository with history to a new Git repository?

Warning: push.default is unset; its implicit value is changing in Git 2.0

How can I get a list of Git branches, ordered by most recent commit?

Undo working copy modifications of one file in Git?

How does Git handle symbolic links?

When do you use Git rebase instead of Git merge?

How can I see the changes in a Git commit?