New posts in version-control

What's a good (free) visual merge tool for Git? (on windows) [closed]

git add * (asterisk) vs git add . (period)

Empty Git submodule folder when repo cloned

Show history of a file? [duplicate]

examining history of deleted file

How stable is the git plugin for eclipse?

How to display a specific user's commits in svn log?

How do I check out a specific version of a submodule using 'git submodule'?

Git: How to remove file from index without deleting files from any repository

Do you continue development in a branch or in the trunk? [closed]

How to delete an old/unused Data Model Version in Xcode

Revert changes to a file in a commit

Git: fatal: Pathspec is in submodule

git diff between cloned and original remote repository

Which Visual C++ file types should be committed to version control?

How do I create a readable diff of two spreadsheets using git diff?

How do you make Git ignore files without using .gitignore?

Best way to do Version Control for MS Excel [closed]

Why is "origin/HEAD" shown when running "git branch -r"?

Moving multiple files in TFS Source Control