New posts in validation

Is regular expression recognition of an email address hard?

Set Value of Input Using Javascript Function

jQuery: what is the best way to restrict "number"-only input for textboxes? (allow decimal points)

How can I conditionally require form inputs with AngularJS?

Why a function checking if a string is empty always returns true? [closed]

Custom date format with jQuery validation plugin

Good input validation loop using cin - C++

How can I check if a single character appears in a string?

What is a regular expression which will match a valid domain name without a subdomain?

Decimal or numeric values in regular expression validation

How to validate date with format "mm/dd/yyyy" in JavaScript?

What's the valid way to include an image with no src?

XML Schema (XSD) validation tool? [closed]

What is the minimum valid JSON?

Validating email addresses using jQuery and regex

jQuery Form Validation before Ajax submit

How can I manually set an Angular form field as invalid?

A simple jQuery form validation script [closed]

How perform validation and display error message in same form in JSP?

Struts2 INPUT result: how does it work? How are conversion / validation errors handled?