New posts in user-account

New user account for installing command line software

What can other administrators access on my machine?

Issue with deleting user account

Installing Network Link Conditioner for All Users (Yosemite)

Is it possible to sort the user accounts in the login dialog?

Hide a user account from the login screen of macOS Catalina

Accidentally created user with duplicate UID. How to fix?

How is the UUID for a user used by macOS?

Remove my full name from startup screen

What is ~/.local directory tree and two executables there?

How do I fully relocate my user's home directory to another disk?

Weird User in my login screen "puppet"

Unable to create Mobile Account on AD Connected Mavericks Machine

How can I prevent the iCloud dialog from showing up for new users?

How do I copy (or clone or duplicate or make a template) user account?

Very long login times in Mac OS X

Installing mc (midnight commander) without root access?

What are the valid users that need to exist on Mac OS X

Is it normal to have same user logged in twice but from another TTY?

What's a recommended setup of accounts on Mac OS X?