New posts in usb

Trying to install Linux without USB/DVD

dd input/output error. No information in error string

How To Let My MBP know that a USB is bootable?

Is there a way to make an USB 1.1 device be detected as an USB 2.0 device

USB-C dock with HDMI graphics on Late 2013 MacBook Pro

Detect a connected USB-C charger cable that is not charging

How to enable USB device manager in Windows 10 from command-line or Registry?

Failing to make bootable usb from win10 iso on linux

Problems with network connection after switching USB LAN hub (despite using wifi connection) [duplicate]

Restore the size of an USB Drive (Linux)

External hard drive is not connected but still showing in Disk Utility [duplicate]

USB device not recognized

Booting Ubuntu Server 20.04 on Pi 4 from USB

iPhone tethering via USB not working

Show unused device driver

Is there any way I can test the capabilities of a USB-C cable, perhaps with an external device?

Universal Floppy controller for USB

Linux: Redirect Local USB Keyboard To Remote Shell

How to go about trying to access files stored on mobile phone (via USB)?

Accessing MTP device over USB using BASH (OSX)