New posts in unity

How do I remove a broken software source?

How do I reconfigure keyboard shortcuts for copy and paste?

How do I bind right click to a keyboard shortcut?

Why are Unity 7 and Unity 8 discontinued now?

What are the different colors on the unity launcher icons?

How can you resize the icons in the Unity Dash?

Is there a Unity / Compiz shortcut key to move a window to your other monitor (not workspace)? [duplicate]

The battery indicator in Unity panel not showing up

How to restore the new 14.04-lockscreen

Dropbox icon in the wrong place

Where is Start-up Applications in 14.04 Unity?

How to remove keyboard indicator?

How to permanently turn off online results

Viber notification is not in the right position [duplicate]

How to make unity launcher apps not bundle together when you have lots of them or to speed up the bar when scrolling down to apps?

How to Restore/Reset Unity after Messing up with Unity Tweak tool?? [Ubuntu 16.04 LTS]

Move semi- maximized windows across multiple (2 or more) monitors

Is there a way to install Unity or Gnome Shell along with Lubuntu?

Unity Applications lens is empty

How to add drive/partition-icon to the launcher?