New posts in unity

Reinstall Ubuntu Without Losing my Personal Folder

How to completely uninstall and reinstall Firefox?

Ubuntu 12.04, Unity launcher missing [duplicate]

How to automatically mount 2nd internal Hard Drive [duplicate]

Applications emitting desktop notifications freeze for some time

Conky Widgets are Opening in their Own Windows

How can I completely remove the KDE 5.6 Plasma desktop from Ubuntu 16.04 and restore Unity? [duplicate]

Best Graphics Card For Ubuntu [closed]

Apply changes or restart Unity dash/launcher/... without reboot or logout

Why is Desktop Unity using the global application menu? [closed]

Unreadable desktop text with theme

Adding my launcher to the Unity Launcher automatically. How?

How to change Gedit embeded terminal plugin colors? [duplicate]

How do I shrink the Unity launcher icons to make them smaller? [duplicate]

Is there a way to add a main menu button to the unity panel?

Unity launcher bar stuck and won't hide

How do I get multiple workspaces in Unity? [duplicate]

No programs or applications show up in dash [duplicate]

Text cursor color should change according to language

High-level library for Unity Dash?