New posts in time-machine

Can Time Machine on a server use quota?

How to get up and running immediately from a Time Machine backup and a borrowed computer

Using Migration Assistant corrupted Time Capsule hard drive

How to only back up one partition of a Macbook hard drive?

Is it possible to use Time Machine with Airport Express + USB External Drive?

How does Time Machine estimate required space for backup?

Backing up Time Machine to an external disk also used by other machines - no sparsebundle?

Importing preferences from a Lion time machine backup to Snow Leopard

Connecting Raspberry to Apple Time Capsule

Can I use multiple partition external HDD connected to Apple Airport Extreme for Backups from both Mac and Windows PC

Is there a way to create APFS snapshots on external drives?

external hd mac ntfs 3g could not mount

Time Machine Error -36

Turning on FileVault with a symlinked directory

Manually start Time Machine backup without menu bar icon

How far is my Time Machine "preparing backup" step?

How will the free update to Mountain Lion work? [closed]

Time Machine in El Capitan installer

how to store Time Machine backups on NFS and keep metadata?

tmutil and full disk access, run as root or give access?