New posts in the-elder-scrolls-series

Geopolitical Maps in Elder Scrolls Over Time

If the past Emperors were Dragonborn, were they able to shout or absorb dragon souls, or is it different?

Why is Necromancy legal in Tamriel?

What's the deal with Akatosh?

Who declares the end of the end of the Era in the Elder Scrolls series?

Why is soul trapping black souls considered immoral in the elder scrolls?

Are you Dragonborn in any Elder Scrolls Games other than Skyrim?

Are there any in-game examples of babies/toddlers or interracial breeding in the Elder Scrolls universe?

Skyrim Lore: Is the Dragonborn lore of emperor lineage already existing in Oblivion or supplemented later for Skyrim?

How are both Jyggalag and Peryite the Daedric Prince of order?

Elder Scrolls Lore: Are Sheogorath and Pelagius the Mad the same person?

Where the summoned creatures come from?

Is Solthsteim part of Morrowind or Skyrim?

Are there any clues about the "location" of Sovngarde?

What actually happens in "Azura and the Box"?

Etymology for Atronach?

Does buying things from other peoples towns have any negative impact on them or other members of your guild?

What happened in the 200 years between Oblivion and Skyrim?

Why did the Thalmor decide that the Talos worship should be banned

Do the Skaal believe in reincarnation or not?