New posts in sylow-theory

Group of order $p^{n}$ has normal subgroups of order $p^{k}$

A group of order $120$ cannot be simple

Proofs of Sylow theorems

What do Sylow 2-subgroups of finite simple groups look like?

Problem about solvable groups

Why is $|H \cdot gP|=1$?

If $|G|=12$ with $|Z(G)|=2$, prove that the group $G$ has only one subgroup of order $3$.

Show that a group of order $180$ is not simple.

Putnam 2007 A5: Finite group $n$ elements order $p$, prove either $n=0$ or $p$ divides $n+1$

Suppose $|G| = 105$. Show that it is abelian if it has a normal $3$-Sylow subgroup.

Sylow 2 subgroups of S4

Sylow $p$-subgroup of a direct product is product of Sylow $p$-subgroups of factors

Groups of order $56$

Maximum number of Sylow subgroups

For a group $G$ of order $p^n$, $G\cong H$ for some $H\le\Bbb Z_p\wr\dots\wr\Bbb Z_p$.

On Groups of Order 315 with a unique sylow 3-subgroup .

If H is a subgroup of G, then H has no more Sylow subgroups than G

Groups of order $pqr$ and their normal subgroups

How big must the union of a group's Sylow p-subgroups be?

A finite $p$-group cannot be simple unless it has order $p$