New posts in suffixes

Opposite of the suffix -less

When is "-less" used, and when is "-free" used?

What word means a “male temptress”?

Why does the 'i' in 'explain' disappear when written as 'explanation'? [duplicate]

What are the limits of using the suffix "-esque"?

Why is a woman a "widow" and a man a "widower"?

Is it "multi-element" or "multi-elemental"? "Multi-attribute" or "multi-attributed"?

Why did the old pronouns and their respective endings vanish from daily usage?

Suffixes that are words: why aren't they considered compounds?

Origin of colloquializing suffix -o

Is “-th” still a productive suffix in English?

Why drop the “i” in “explanation”?

Origin of the "-y" or "-ie" diminutive suffix to denote intimacy/tenderness? (E.g. Bob→Bobby, dad→daddy, Doug→Dougie)

Suffixes for verbification: -ify, -icise, -ificate

Suffixing by "-rama", "-orama" or "-arama" — how did this begin?

Why do we write "fixing" instead of "fixxing"?

Why is there an extra "t" in Lemmatization?

Origins of the "‑cede/‑sede/‑ceed" suffix

Why is "-ber" the suffix of the last four months of the year?

How do you conjugate Early Modern English verbs (other than present tense)?