New posts in sublime-text-3

In Sublime Text 3, how can I have next_view-style tab switching that stays within the active group?

Sublime Text 3 : Can't find installed packages

Sublime Text 3 automatically close HTML Tags

How to turn windows 10 menu bar black

How do i put separator after each 5 string in 20 random strings?

How to use Sublime Text 3's mousemap settings?

How to find the tab of an open file by name in all Sublime Text windows

Paste text verbatim into Sublime without converting tabs to spaces

How to hide "unsaved changes" box at the bottom of Sublime Text 3?

Sublime Text 3 SFTP Instantly "Connection timeout" when connecting to remote server via SFTP

Touchpad support for SublimeText 3

Sublime Text - pressing enter in search box creates a new line instead of searching

Regex: Select everything on each line, after the first 2 letters of the beginning, but up to the dash

Regex: Select everything up to | but not | (between <title></title>)

Change default text editor to Sublime Text in Linux Mint

How to disable only some Windows 10 global shortuts to use them in third-party applications?

Can I get Notepad++-style vertical selection with arrow keys in Sublime or Atom?

How to insert a tab character in sublime text?

Regex: Select and delete only the first word at the beginning of each line

Regex: How to turn more words in the line as if they were seen in the mirror?