New posts in style-manuals

Style clarification for date superscripts, th, st and nd

Is it possible to have an interrogative after an imperative connected with coordinating conjunction in a compound sentence?

Is "Black" correct, incorrect, or could it be used as either "Black" or "black"? [duplicate]

How to quote a book that has a quote in the text that I'm quoting?

What manual of style should I use for technical writing for US Federal Government documents?

In search of a Grammar text, of any vintage, that covers such as the below

Fragmented Quotes and Bracketed Ellipses

"Here is my two cents" vs "Here are my two cents"?

If I use the word "enumerated", must the list be numeric or can it be bullet points?

How are "[]" and "[...]" used in in-text reference [duplicate]

Is "equals to," as in "one plus one equals to two," ungrammatical? [closed]

Whilst or while, etc - Oxford Spelling

Comma before ᴀɴᴅ after "on average"? [duplicate]

Should commas *always* be followed by spaces?

What or who is the source of the proscription on contractions in formal writing?

"A few" + a number : unremarkable quantity [closed]

Comma at the End of a List Following a Colon

"People" was not to be preceded by a number, as in "Fewer than 30 people showed up"

Capitalization: 'rivers'

Do any style guides recommend an apostrophe at the end for double possessors? (John and Jacks' house)