New posts in stl

What is the point of make_heap?

Vector Iterators Incompatible

How to check that the passed Iterator is a random access iterator?

What is the difference between std::list<std::pair> and std::map in C++ STL?

Ordered versus unordered containers in C++

std::mutex performance compared to win32 CRITICAL_SECTION

Can the 'type' of a lambda expression be expressed?

Why isn't there an operator[] for a std::list?

Relative performance of std::vector vs. std::list vs. std::slist?

Pointers as keys in map C++ STL

C++ How to find the biggest key in a std::map?

Why does std::pair expose member variables?

std::vector reserve() and push_back() is faster than resize() and array index, why?

Can I initialize an STL vector with 10 of the same integer in an initializer list?

General use cases for C++ containers

Iterate over vector of pair

What happens when you call data() on a std::vector<bool>?

Can we use a user defined class for the key in a STL map?

How to search for an element in an stl list?

What is the best way to use two keys with a std::map?