New posts in star-wars-tiny-death-star

What causes the scene outside the Death Star to change?

In Tiny Death Star, is there any significance to an all zero skilled bitizen?

Tiny Death Star assignments and the galactic registry changes

Is there a bug causing Emperor Palpatine mission to not register?

Are some jobs more dreamy than others?

Is it still possible to get locked levels?

Vader - Lack of Jobs Disturbing. Add Business Level to Create More

How many days of inactivity before Bitizens leave?

What's the "Impostor" dream job?

Once I've decided to use a VIP, can I change my mind?

How do I complete the "Fill a business with all Skill 9 workers"?

What is the importance of ranks

Communications level is not appearing?

How do I unlock scenes?

What actions earn Imperial Bux?

Does worker skill increase?

How to get rid of an in game ad banner that covers up gameplay?

Is it possible to unlock every character without using Bux? [duplicate]

What are the stock amounts for each level?

Is Endor still available for salvage droids?