New posts in ssms

Cannot connect to (LocalDB)\MSSQLLocalDB -> Login failed for user 'User-PC\User'

Why is the same value being return in this SQL While Loop?

How can I resolve the "Table 'dbo.Foo' already exists." error when the table does not exist?

Back up a database nightly

How to generate scripts to recreate table using SQL Server Management Studio [Schema and data]?

Is there a way of setting up a shortcut to a database for MS SQL Server Management Studio

Why is "close existing connections to destination database" grayed out on SQL Server 2012 Management Studio?

Does the Poor Mans T-SQL formatting add-in for Management Studio 2012 work in Management Studio 2014?

How can I check if an SQL result contains a newline character?

SQL Management Studio won't recognize a table exists after scripted create

Client Statistics table (Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio)

Incorrect syntax near ''

How to connect to a local database in SQL Server Management Studio?

SSMS version 18 – no Database Diagrams

Using SQL Server 2008 Management studio to connect to SQL Server 2005 databases

Error Invalid prefix or suffix characters in SQL Server Management Studio

SSMS 2017 Changing font size

Convert SSMS .rpt output file to .txt/.csv

Ctrl R not working in SQL Server 2012

What is the T-SQL syntax to connect to another SQL Server?