New posts in sql

Algebra Relational sql GROUP BY SORT BY ORDER BY

Replace the alternate occurances of a substring

Select 2nd row in XML Column in database using SQL

Does Mysql have an equivalent to @@ROWCOUNT like in mssql?

How to automatically break down a SQL-like query with many joins into discrete, independent steps?

Return rows where array column has match for every pattern in given array

insert query only store 0 in table [duplicate]

Conditional increment of values in two rows after insert in MySQL

SQL Conditional column data return in a select statement

How to escape underscore in the string query in hibernate and SQL?

A way to check if foreign key exists in SQL 2005

Foreign key referencing a 2 columns primary key in SQL Server

Conditional SQL count

How to use a SQL for loop to insert rows into database?

Difference between a statement and a query in SQL

SQL INSERT INTO from multiple tables

Using Raw SQL with Doctrine

Historical / auditable database

What does (1,1) mean in SQL?

How to ORDER BY a SUM() in MySQL?