New posts in sleep

How to wait for N seconds between statements in Scala?

Logitech lua reliable Sleep

Windows 10 keeps turning displays off 1 minute after I lock the screen

Keep MacBook running with lid closed for specified duration

Why does my windows 7 go to sleep after two minutes regardless of power management settings? [duplicate]

How can I resolve Windows 7 BSOD after wake up from sleep?

How to enable Sleep/Hibernate on a Hyper-V guest VM?

Why does my external hard drive not stop spinning when I put my computer to sleep?

How to find out what's causing a laptop to take too long to go to sleep?

make it so laptop doesn't install automatic updates while sleeping [duplicate]

Why does Sleep(500) cost more than 500ms?

What process is sending input?

Sleep for exact time in python

windows 7 cannot shutdown after wake up from sleep S3

OnTime for less than 1 second without becoming Unresponsive

How useful is hard drive encryption?

Can Windows Defrag while Laptop is Closed?

How to prevent Linux Mint going to sleep while Samba sharing is active?

My computer won't go into standby or hibernate

How to use less power while PC is on 24/7? [closed]