New posts in sleep

What's the equivalent of Java's Thread.sleep() in Objective-C/Cocoa?

My computer keeps waking from sleep without any obvious reason

How can I make my computer play dead? [duplicate]

Desktop reboots itself on sleep or hibernate

When does Java's Thread.sleep throw InterruptedException?

How to keep a .NET console app running?

Windows 10 goes to sleep ignoring the settings

Microsoft sculpt ergonomic keyboard waking up my screen

Does Windows 10 sleep mode also hibernate system?

Why would my computer automatically restart after "shutdown" and "sleep"?

Can I prevent my Windows laptop from waking up when the lid opens?

Is it safe to disconnect a SATA disk during sleep?

My Windows 7 PC wakes up randomly and powercfg lastwake shows nothing. What to do? [duplicate]

Windows 7 Keyboard Repeat Rate and Delay are Reset on Resume from Standby / Sleep

Laptop waking up from sleep because of "power button"? (Windows 8.1)

Can a Windows PC do anything while it is sleeping?

Sleep shortcut in win7 [duplicate]

How to make a non-blocking sleep in javascript/jquery?

Prevent windows from going into sleep when my program is running?

Why is my laptop favoring the wireless connection over my LAN connection?