New posts in sheaf-theory

Sheafs of abelian groups are the same as $\underline{\mathbb{Z}}$-modules

Sheaf Hom between locally free sheaves

What are the "correct" modules over locally ringed spaces?

(Quasi)coherent sheaves on smooth manifolds, and their applications

Locally constant sheaves over an irreducible space is constant.

Sheafification of the constant presheaf

History of terminology: sheaves, presheaves, etc.

$F_2\circ F_1\dashv G_1\circ G_2$ and $F_2\dashv G_2$ but not $F_1\dashv G_1$

When is the global section functor exact?

Are the sheaves of $n$-forms well-defined for singular varieties?

Why tensor product of two sheaves of modules is a sheaf of modules?

Why is the affine line with a doubled point not a separated scheme?

is the pushforward of a flat sheaf flat?

My first course in algebraic geometry: two simple questions

Sheaf cohomology intuition

Why do schemes give sheaves on Etale site?

Where to learn algebraic analysis

To what extent is a scheme morphism determined by its topological map?

Computing stalks: do direct limits behave like limits?

Calculation with Leray spectral sequence