New posts in shared-folders

How can I prevent the other user from using the D drive

Virtual Machine (VirtualBox) -- How to access files from the hosting machine?

/sbin/mount.vboxsf: mounting failed with the error: Invalid argument - how to solve this error?

NTFS Permissions - Create Files and Folder but prevent Deletion and Modification

Here's my smb.conf file. Whats wrong with it?

Is it possible to see all shared folder list in windows?

What does "auto-mount" do in VirtualBox shared folder setup?

Share Ext4 Partition Over Network

How to share files from Host to Guest in VirtualBox? Host-Ubuntu, Guest-Ubuntu [duplicate]

Npm errors when installing packages on windows share

How to make a symlinked folder appear as a normal folder

How can I share a directory with an another user?

Sharing between Host and Guest in Virtualbox

Enable (or work around) Administrative shares in Windows 8

Creating symbolic links within folders shared with the Windows host OS

Share VirtualBox folders in reverse? Guest-Host?

Permission denied when accessing VirtualBox shared folder when member of the vboxsf group

How do I mount a network drive to a folder?

How do I set up shared folders in a Windows Virtualbox guest?

How do I set up a folder so that anything created in it inherits permissions?