New posts in scp

ssh login successful, but scp password gives me "Permission denied"

Using putty to scp from windows to Linux

Jenkins execute shell scp

scp not working saying its a directory error

Error when using scp command "bash: scp: command not found" [closed]

copying a directory from one location to another in the same server but the script to copy is present in another server

ssh: leave channel open for fast copies

How to enable sshpass output to console

Using scp to transfer a .txt file list of files

Is it possible to rate-limit an scp/sftp/rsync/etc transfer from the command-line? ie, manual QoS on a single command?

How to parallelize the scp command?

SCP Permission denied (publickey). on EC2 only when using -r flag on directories

SCP recursive file transfer order

Ubuntu SSHFS doesn't sync

SCP - "not a directory" - What am I doing wrong?

Can I make scp ask before overwriting an existing file?

How can I resume a large scp file transfer when using port forwarding?

Ant, download fileset from remote machine

Skip over intermediate server via SSH

Smart way to copy multiple files from different paths using scp