New posts in scala

Usefulness (as in practical applications) of Currying v.s. Partial Application in Scala

Get index of current element in a foreach method of Traversable?

Scala: how can I sort an array of tuples by their second element?

Do I need to re-use the same Akka ActorSystem or can I just create one every time I need one?

How to write database-agnostic Play application and perform first-time database initialization?

Any Real-World Experience Using Software Transactional Memory? [closed]

Functional programming, Scala map and fold left [closed]

Increment (++) operator in Scala

How can I cast Integer to String in Scala?

Difference between forward and tell in akka actors

Scala equivalent of C#’s extension methods?

@karate How to pass parameter to a feature file in gatling simulation class?

Is there any way to extend an object?

How to check to see if a string is a decimal number in Scala

Parsing multiline records in Scala

What's the Scala way to implement a retry-able call like this one?

How to list all cassandra tables

What does a single apostrophe mean in Scala? [duplicate]

Building a scala app with maven (that has java source mixed in)

Apache Spark how to append new column from list/array to Spark dataframe