New posts in ring-theory

Show that $A[X]/(aX+b)$ is an integral domain

Is $\Bbb Z[\sqrt{6}]$ a UFD?

The infinite Direct Sum in the category Ring

Irreducible but not prime in $\mathbb{Z}[\sqrt{-5}] $

Books for a thorough introduction to ring theory?

Failure of existence of GCD

Decomposition of a homogeneous polynomial

Showing that $x^n -2$ is irreducible in $\mathbb{Q}[X]$

Issues with ideals

Ring homomorphism proof [duplicate]

The support of a non finitely generated module

Let $R$ be a commutative ring. If $R[X]$ is a principal ideal domain, then $R$ is a field.

Proving $\pi$ is irreducible/prime in $R.$

If $R$ is a local ring, is $R[[x]]$ (the ring of formal power series) also a local ring?

Multiplicative inverse of $0$

Prove that ring contains infinitely many minimal prime ideals

Generalization of Cayley-Hamilton

Ideal of $\mathbb{C}[x,y]$ not generated by two elements

Non-UFD integral domain such that prime is equivalent to irreducible?

Finite rings without zero divisors are division rings.