New posts in resolution

Disabling laptop monitor on boot?

Fonts appear fuzzy when connecting my Mac to an external monitor

What was the maximum screen resolution in Macs based on 68K CPU's?

Screen resolution and DPI

resolution on dell xps 13

How do I improve my screen resolution in Windows Remote Desktop?

Vinagre only gives 800x600 RDC resolution, how to increase?

How to set display resolution via PowerShell on Win10 Pro

dual view monitors for one desktop on ati

Secondary display with VGA connection resolution issue with Macbook Pro under Snow Leopard

Experiencing small resolution issue in Ubuntu 14.04.2 with VirtualBox, getting stuck on installing guest additions

Unable to get 2560x1440 to output through DVI

How to stop Windows 10 rearranging desktop icons with screen resolution

Graphics card for dual 2560 x 1440 output

Macbook: reduce usable screen area

Dual Monitor Setup, One Monitor has Double Width and scrolls into other monitor

Wider screen resolution on Fedora running on Hyper-V in Windows 10

How to get the current screen resolution on windows via command line?

How to insert a video intro with ffmpeg

Could you interpret these screen resolutions from Google Analytics?