New posts in repository

Debian apt-get repository

Delete last commit in bitbucket

How do I get yum to see updates to a local repo without cleaning cache?

Merge changes from remote github repository to your local repository

How do remove "Ignoring file in directory /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ as it has an invalid filename extension?

Create deb repository with several versions of the same package

Ubuntu versions repository [duplicate]

Are there alternative repositories to for ARM?

Upgrade Ubuntu 20.10 to 21.04 [duplicate]

connect local repo with remote repo

Updating the repository isn't working

W:Skipping acquire of configured file 'main/binary-1386/Packages' as repository... doesn't support architecture '1386' [duplicate]

E: Repository ' bionic-security InRelease' changed its 'Suite' value from 'bionic-updates' to 'bionic-security'

Where is Maven's settings.xml located on Mac OS?

GitHub changes repository to the wrong language

git vs Subversion - pros and cons [closed]

‘apache2’ has no installation candidate in virtual machine [duplicate]

Unable to locate package kubuntu-plasma5-desktop on 14.04

Why do the Repositories not have the latest upstream versions? [duplicate]

Additional keyrings for APT in trusted.gpg.d