New posts in ramdisk

RAMDISK OS? Installing Windows 10 on a ramdisk

Is putting the swapfile & temp folder to ramdisk a good idea in Windows 7 64 bit with lots of RAM?

What do you use for a RAM disk on Windows Server?

RAM disk and physical RAID

What happens to the content of RAM when a computer turns off?

Shouldn't my machine have a /dev/ram0 file?

Can I put /tmp and /var/log in a ramdisk on OS X?

Why would a RAMdisk be used today?

Does upgrading RAM with different Speed, affect the pc or affect all the RAM?

Create VM RAM disk at boot time in Windows XP

How can I change the amount and size of Linux ramdisks (/dev/ram0 - /dev/ram15)?

When to use a RAM disk?

Fastest way on Windows to copy 38GB of files to 50 USB drives

What happen if we reduce the size of hiberfil.sys

Why doesn't my RAMDisk performance match my HDD's performance?

Performance difference between ramfs and tmpfs

Can SSD raid be faster than ramdisk?

Does every OS need RAM?

Why does RAM have to be volatile?