New posts in ram

Allocate more space for copying files via live CD

How can I measure how much CPU and RAM has been used by a command?

Google Chrome will take up my memory to the point where it causes my computer to freeze to a near halt. What can I do to prevent this?

How to set a memory limit for a specific process?

How can I check my RAM and hard drive for errors?

What's the maximum amount of RAM I can use on an specific hardware

Why is more than 3 GB of RAM not recognised when using AMD64?

How do I use zRam?

How to see top processes sorted by actual memory usage?

How are code segments and data segments of a source code program really handled and separated from each other during process execution?

How can I find out what RAM a computer system has? [duplicate]

Is it possible to tell ubuntu to use only one memory chip, if the computer has two?

Memory usage doesn't add up - what is using my memory?

How to check for errors in RAM via Ubuntu?

How to interpret output of "free -m" command?

How do I make a RAM disk?

MicroSD card is set to Read-only state. How can I write data on it?

'zeitgeist-fts' always using a lot of memory!

What is available memory while using free command?

How to check video memory size?