New posts in ps4

PlayStation says I already have Playstation Plus but Overwatch says i don't

After my Ps Plus expired, do I keep my progress on the free games

Could I get banned for buying PSNow on my American PSNow Account and then playing the downloaded games on my Romanian account?

PS4 Pro not connecting to dualshock 4 despite controllers working in safe mode [duplicate]

Preowned/Used Games for PS4

Can I get free PS+ games 'retroactively'?

My friend's Dualshock 4 controller won't sync to my PS4 [duplicate]

How to transfer my account?

Is there a way to search for games on Steam that are both Mac OS and PS4 controller compatible?

Move one PS4 hard disk to another

Can I use a PS4 Playstation Move controller on a PS3?

I don't have playstation plus and deleted my saved data

Why does my PS4 keep deleting my updates randomly?

How to prevent a child using an adult account on PS4?

I somehow scrapped Nick Valentine, is my game broken?

Effective way to block Playstation Store without deleting/recreating users?

My ps4 is making me look up for no reason [closed]

Does PS4 saved game data from the physical edition transfer to the digital version?

Skyrim PS4 edition cheat codes

Ps4 free monthly games