New posts in ps4

Is PS4 Manual Eject Screw supposed to tighten

Charged for PS4 free games. Why?

Upgrading PS4 Pro to SSD, update file cannot be found

Terraria: Desktop and PS4 Cross Platform

Differentiating between free PS+ games and purchased games

Is there a direct upload to YouTube with PS4?

Ps4 controller won't connect again to PS3 with cable or wireless

Is it possible to play Metal Gear Solid 4 on Playstation 4?

Can I use a physical copy of a psn plus free game to play it?

How can I download my disc games onto PS4 without needing to put discs in again?

Can I use downloaded games from my PS3 on PS4?

Strange lag in PS4 Fifa 20

How can you use headsets with separate Audio and Mic cables for Dualshock4?

Can I play purchased PSN games without a PSN subscription?

If I buy a game I previously sold, will my data still be there?

Is it possible to transfer game data from one account to another on the same PS4?

Unable to connect online with PS3 &PS4 [duplicate]

Is the Atomic Blimp available for PS4 and XB1 owners?

I cant save destiny 2 data at all to a usb for Ps4

Buying localized Playstation 4 games in US Playstation Store