New posts in ps3

If I buy a game from PSN on ps3 Is it permanently mine?

Easiest way to screenshot an XBox 360, Playstation 3, or Wii Game?

How to auto-boot game when PS3 is started?

Fallout 3 Trouble on the Homefront trophy isn't unlocking

Back-Up PS3 Saves?

Can I backup or restore my old PS3 hard drive to a new PS3?

Is it possible to get Platinium in closed-server games with online multiplayer trophies?

How can I delete PS3 trophies?

Is my clock broken?

What does "You did not earn a trophy" on the PS3 mean?

How many Zombie maps are there in Call Of Duty: Black Ops 1?

How do I get a dead bulky PS3 to work again (momentarily at least)

Can a stranger do anything malicious if I add them as a user on my PS3?

Can I install PS3 games on an external hard drive?

Can I transfer my content to another user account?

Didn’t transfer previous PS3 account’s saved data to new account before deleting it. Is there any way to get that data back?

Can I play a save from the non-GOTY edition of Red Dead Redemption in the GOTY edition?

Backup and reassign of protected save games from on PS3 HDD to another

How could I know what caused the Yellow Light Of Death?

Which console to buy for Rock Band 3