New posts in pronunciation

Why is 'worthy' pronounced with a /ði/ unlike 'healthy', 'wealthy' and 'stealthy'?

What is the overlap between "Y" and "I"?

How to explain accent variations to students

How to pronounce ë in a name?

How did the final d of "diamond" become voiced in English?

How do I say whether or not a number was pronounced like a telephone number (or zip code). Are there words for this?

Why is the word watch pronounced differently from words like patch, latch, match, catch, and batch?

What kind of error is using Women instead of Woman

What is /iə/ in English?

How do you spell "Aye Yai Yai"

Is there any shorter pronunciation of W than double-U?

Is this the correct pronunciation of "heinous" in any English-speaking country?

Is there a rule for the position of the accent (stressed sound) in words ending with -ative?

Should the IPA of the word "conscious" be /ˈkɑːnʃəs/ or /ˈkɑːntʃəs/?

The pronunciation of ending "s"

Pronunciation of "Einstein"

"Device" vs "Delete" pronunciation [closed]

Is there a specialised term for words that are almost always mispronounced?

English, Latin, or Malay pronunciation of betta fish

How did “defect” and “defect” come to have different pronunciations?