New posts in pronunciation

the and thee (I prefer to pronounce it as thuh all the time) [closed]

Should 'g' followed by 'e' and 'i' be pronounced with a soft or hard g? [closed]

Pronunciation and meaning: "wind" and "wound"

The pronunciation of "was" has changed since the Seventeenth Century. When and why did it change"?

Correct pronunciation of "TT"? [closed]

Is there a difference in pronunciation between "wood" and "would"?

Which words are pronounced with an /ɑː/ or /æ/ depending on dialect?

Is there a term for the letter T not being pronounced when at the end of a word? [duplicate]

What determines the addition of the suffixes "tion" and "sion"?

LEDs and the correct pronunciation

Does "fathers" in RP exclude R and unvoice the S?

Rules to pronounce "cha-" words [duplicate]

How do you pronounce the H in "an historian"?

A rule for identifying the stressed syllable in abstract nouns ending in -ity. Is it foolproof?

Why do English people pronounce 'sixth' as 'sicth'? [duplicate]

Why is /sɪ/ pronounced differently in "six" /sɪks/ and "sit" /sɪt/?

"man" vs. "men" pronunciation in American English

Difference between /ʌ/ and /ə/ in English IPA

Pronunciation of "Wales" and "whales" in Scotland

Why is "albeit" pronounced the way it is?