New posts in pronunciation

Pronunciation of "-" sign, particularly in Unix commands

How do you pronounce "xth"?

The pronunciation of sciurine (pertaining to squirrels)

Which groups of Americans pronounce -ing |ŋ| as -inG |ŋg|?

'What are you' and 'what do you': same pronunciation in AmE...?

Syllabification of "riding"

How to know how to pronounce an "-e" ending based on spelling?

Pronunciation of "Sarah", "Sara" and other names with the letter "a" before "r"

Dropped g's in upper-class 1930s Britain

Dialect using "woman" instead of "women"?

Why is there a flap allophone of /t/ but not of /k/ or /p/?

Why pronunciation of "Crooked" is "Crook-ked"? [duplicate]

Why do people pronounce "Naomi" as "Niomi"?

Why is "busy" pronounced "bizzy"?

Pronunciation of "comparable"

Is it correct to pronounce the letter N as "ain" when spelling out words letter by letter?

Fun and enjoyable ways to practice pronunciation? [closed]

How common is pronouncing the past tense of beat as /bet/?

"Anna(r) and the King" - R liaison in English

Pronunciation of street/road/avenue/etc. names