New posts in promise

How to Promisify this function - nodejs [duplicate]

How to use mongoose Promise - mongo

Using Function.prototype.bind with an array of arguments?

Debounce function implemented with promises

How to return a resolved promise from an AngularJS Service using $q?

Angular $http : setting a promise on the 'timeout' config

Why does the stack trace of an Error that is returned by a Promise seem to be incomplete?

How to get json of base64 from file list

Angularjs $http.get().then and binding to a list

multiple `.then()`s on single angularjs promise -- all use _original_ data

Why are javascript promises asynchronous when calling only synchronous functions?

What is the best general practice to timeout a function in promise [closed]

Difference of using async / await vs promises?

Node.js: When to use Promises vs Callbacks

Catching Errors in JavaScript Promises with a First Level try ... catch

JavaScript asynchronous programming: promises vs generators

Using mongoose promises with async/await

Promise.resolve().then vs setImmediate vs nextTick

When to use promise over async or packaged_task?

stop angular-ui-router navigation until promise is resolved