New posts in present-tense

Verb agreement for something that was discussed in the past, while the issue still exists in the present [duplicate]

is the first vs was the first [duplicate]

Is it correct to say "We start tomorrow"? Shouldn't it be "We are starting tomorrow"? (present simple vs continuous for future event)

Does this sentence imply 2 meanings? Present Perfect

To tell the name of a person I met in the past

Why is the past tense used in "I was wondering if you would like to come for dinner?"

Present tense for future events

In what regions is "Do you work tonight?" clear and acceptable usage?

Tense usage with dead writers' work

'I get it' vs. 'I got it'

Should we use past tense in "Lugo admitted he is the father"?

the entire film/book

Present or Past tense to describe a past condition which is still present?

Can you help with the difference in these past perfect tenses?

What is the name for the grammatical figure, where the present tense is substituted for a past event?

"The train will leave" vs. "is going to leave" vs. "leaves" vs. "is leaving"

Simple Past vs. Present Perfect: "was" vs. "has been" [duplicate]

Would vs Will: "Would/Will" this be the day/month/year/... questions? [migrated]

Differences between ways to express future actions

Tense change: previous actions on something that's currently true