New posts in port

How to specify VNC port number with Mac OS X built-in VNC client?

How to open TCP port in Ubuntu 10.10?

Why is there electricity flowing through my VGA and other connectors?

Connecting to memcached "which port should use?" (php)

Why does Django's dev server use port 8000 by default?

Kill what ever is running on port 8080

How to know which port is busy or free on Windows 7? [duplicate]

How can I block port 6379 for outside traffic on ubuntu?

What is "Radan HTTP"?

How to check a route exist between two hosts for a particular port?

Running a websocket server and a http server on the same server

advantages in closing a port where no services are running

How to run node.js app on port 80? Are processes blocking my port?

Node.js/Express.js App Only Works on Port 3000

Why is "nc -l xxxx" not opening a port?

Why is port a string and not an integer?

How to access NodeJS server on LAN?

How to open a web server port on EC2 instance

Debian Open port 81

What firewall rules should be used for a home based system [closed]