New posts in phrase-meaning

What is actually meant by the term 'stock browser' in web development?

What does "give someone the jumps" mean?

Meaning of "Mickey the Boob"?

Does the phrase "locker room talk" have precedent?

The meaning of a phrase that has one of four-letter words

Meaning of “We shall always place education side by side with instruction; the mind will not be cultivated at the expense of the heart.” [closed]

Meaning of "at an arm's length"

Shocking but not surprising [closed]

What does "controversial" mean here? [closed]

What or who does 'the rick-thatcher' refer to in Middlemarch by George Eliot?

Where does it comes from "pull the other leg, it's got bells on"?

What does the sentence "I lit a cigarette that tasted like a plumber's handkerchief" mean? [closed]

I am sure vs I feel sure

Meaning and usage of "rife with uncertainty" [closed]

"I'll do my best" is not good enough?

What does "betrun-cheoned" [betruncheoned] mean in Suttree by Cormac McCarthy

What is the meaning of "Pat came the reply"

What does “snooze factor eleven" mean?

Does "injection drug use" always imply the use of illegal drugs?

What does mean by "to step aboard by [someone]"?