New posts in phrase-meaning

What does "keep their powder dry on where they stand" mean?

What does this phrase from "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" mean?

How ‘HOW’ change the meaning of the Twinkle song?

What does "Last yeer I kudn't spel Engineer. Now I are won." mean

What does "bring a vote to the floor" mean?

Meaning of Log [long] Life from 1564?

what is the meaning of "it was to be"?

What does "in fingers of spray" mean?

Origin and meaning of "money isn't money isn't money"

What does the expression “rabbit-out-of-a-hat” mean? [duplicate]

What does this quote stand for? [closed]

What does historical average mean as a general statistics concept related to history?

The meaning of a phrase "to flip a traditional pancake over"

I wanted to understand the meaning of this sentence properly

Do "real-life applications" and "real-world applications" convey the same meaning?

"through the appropriate channels"

Help me make sense of this dialogue from 'The Importance of Being Earnest'

One or two-way mirror?

How did kid + nap come to mean abduct? [closed]

Origins/meaning of “is dis/this a system?”