New posts in phrase-meaning

Meaning of "have one's fingers in every pie"

"Goblet of Fire" vs "Fire Goblet"

How to say "I love children" without being misunderstood

Relation between "trivial", "more than trivial", and "less than trivial"

Where is a verb in "a troll out cold with a bloody lump on its head"

Is "standard" an archaic synonym for an athletic team or club?

Older or younger than 3 months old? [closed]

What semantic notions underlie 'chip on your shoulder' with the 19th US challenge to knock a chip of wood off someone's shoulder?

What means "eHealth intervention" [closed]

What is the meaning of saying that say something is "like laguna beach"?

What is the meaning of "One giving way for another" in this text?

"Seeking for an answer" or "seeking an answer"

What is the mean of « is believed to » [closed]

Using word ( stuffing) to refer to information, speech

What does 'the death of his yet' mean? [closed]

What does "the touch of the purple" mean?

Does "painted vapors" mean anything without a context?

Homeschooling in a daily routine

Interest ( someone ) in ( something )

Etymology of "manhole"