New posts in pdf

Resize A4 PDF to SRA4 and center content

Enable zooming/pinch on UIWebView

What's the rationale behind Fillable PDF's not being able to be saved?

How do I print a single page document to multiple copies, double sided?

Install FoxitReader without using Wine

Is there any PDF to Mobi converter? [closed]

Is there a way to convert a Word document into a PDF document?

ImageMagick: convert quits after some pages

How can I set my own bookmarks in a PDF?

TCPDF ERROR: Unable to create output file

How can I download files directly from Safari to ”on my iPad”?

How to remove images from a PDF file

How can I preview PDFs with Google Chrome in dark mode?

PDF from Windows shows up fine on screen in Preview but prints as question marks in boxes

GhostScript noob help - Breaking a multipage PDF file into many single page PS or EPS files

Can we open pdf file using UIWebView on iOS?

Merging png images into one pdf file [closed]

Automator & AppleScript: How do I import the texts of Notes and Reminders as PDFs and RTFs?

Change default highlight format in preview

Using LocationTextExtractionStrategy in itextSharp for text coordinate