New posts in patch-management

Windows Server 2008 Services won't start after patch

How to Minimize Linux Server Reboots

How do you know when a Microsoft hotfix has been obsoleted by a newer patch?

What time of day does Microsoft Release patches on "Patch Tuesday"

What is the best way to patch a server Win2012R2 that has not being patched for 2 years?

Keeping track of changes to a System during Software/Patch Installation

best way to install package from wheezy on squeeze

What firewall changes are required to download Windows updates?

How to get patches for Java SE?

How can I tell which package updates will require a reboot or service restart?

Centralized Windows/Mac Patch Management that is easy to use

What does the Windows XP EOL/EOS mean for a business and it's domain?

How to install security patches on CentOS 7.x

Apply multiple .patch files

How safe are Unattended Upgrades/Automatic Updates for Ubuntu

Some Apache requests are slow, most complete instantly

How can we remotely administer our "fleet" of Windows 7 laptops?

is ksplice production ready?

Suggestions for free/cheap asset/patch management software (Adobe, Java, etc)

Is it usually safe to run "apt-get upgrade" (in terms of stability) on a production server?