New posts in past-tense

simple past or present perfect issue

"I just ate them" and "I've just eaten them" — What's the difference in American and in British?

what does "it's time I told you" mean and why past tense here? [duplicate]

Using past tense when referencing a still-true fact [duplicate]

Which is correct: "troubleshooted" or "troubleshot"?

"go well" vs "went well" in the past tense [closed]

Would vs Will: "Would/Will" this be the day/month/year/... questions? [migrated]

What did you do that day? (two months ago in the middle of the process) [migrated]

Why do we use the base form of verbs instead of the past form in past tense questions?

Is "must" ever grammatical as a past tense verb?

"I didn't know you liked her" or "I didn't know you like her"

Is "errored" correct usage?

When will "Present Perfect vs. Past Tense" cases be affected by culture?

Must present perfect tense be used if the action takes place more than once?

Why is the present perfect used in headlines? [duplicate]

Tense change: previous actions on something that's currently true

Why do people sometimes use the past perfect form of a verb when the past would suffice? (e.g. "you had mentioned")

Why do some words have two past tense forms (e.g. "dreamed" vs. "dreamt")?

When is the present perfect tense used instead of the past tense?