New posts in past-tense

'I get it' vs. 'I got it'

Present perfect question and past simple question

Why do you write "occurred" but "listened"?

Should we use past tense in "Lugo admitted he is the father"?

Past tense of wake: is there a difference between "waked", and "woke"?

Why do we use 'did' with questions using the simple past tense?

Present Perfect and Past Simple in the same sentence [migrated]

"I sightsaw London." Is this correct?

Missing conditionals

We didn't know what to do, so we did nothing/ were doing nothing [closed]

the entire film/book

Should in the past [closed]

Present or Past tense to describe a past condition which is still present?

Can you help with the difference in these past perfect tenses?

"Cancelled" or "Canceled"?

When do you use “learnt” and when “learned”?

past simple vs past perfect

The habitual past "would" versus "simple past" tense

"I have never said" versus "I never said"

What is the name for the grammatical figure, where the present tense is substituted for a past event?