New posts in parallel-processing

how to optimize matrix multiplication (matmul) code to run fast on a single processor core

Why is Files.list() parallel stream performing so much slower than using Collection.parallelStream()?

Reader#lines() parallelizes badly due to nonconfigurable batch size policy in its spliterator

MPI Reading from a text file

Parallelism in Julia: Native Threading Support

Processes, threads, green threads, protothreads, fibers, coroutines: what's the difference?

Are 'j'-expressions in 'data.table' automatically parallelised?

Stream of boolean values, is any true?

OpenMP: are local variables automatically private?

What is "Linearizability"?

Parallel ForEach on DataTable

How can I `print` or `cat` when using parallel

How does shared memory vs message passing handle large data structures?

Parallel.For(): Update variable outside of loop

How are you taking advantage of Multicore?

Why is there no implicit parallelism in Haskell?

How to parallelize for-loop in bash limiting number of processes

Apache Spark vs Akka [closed]

Is there a vectorized parallel max() and min()?

Differentiate CUDA Cores(NVIDIA) and Stream processor(ATI/AMD)