New posts in openmp

Accelerating bitmap grayscale conversion, is OpenMP an option in C#?

OpenMP: task_reduction=reduction? What is 'in_reduction'?

How to include omp.h in OS X?

Pthreads vs. OpenMP

Can I safely use OpenMP with C++11?

Why is the != operator not allowed with OpenMP?

Reductions in parallel in logarithmic time

OpenMP and Python

Using OpenMP with C++11 range-based for loops?

Is armadillo solve() thread safe?

No performance gain after using openMP on a program optimize for sequential running

How are firstprivate and lastprivate different than private clauses in OpenMP?

Error enabling openmp - "ld: library not found for -lgomp" and Clang errors

How to set linker flags for OpenMP in CMake's try_compile function

Measure execution time in C++ OpenMP code

Is it ok for CMake to use c++, rather than mpicxx, to compile my code?

Difference between section and task openmp

Mixing C++11 atomics and OpenMP

What's the difference between "static" and "dynamic" schedule in OpenMP?

What is the difference between atomic and critical in OpenMP?