New posts in ocr

How to detect if image contains ASCII characters?

Good free OCR with GUI for correcting mistakes? (for Windows)

Extract OCR text from Evernote

What kind of OCR Java library should I use in Android? [closed]

character reconstruction and filling for OCR

Enable OCR in Greenshot

Getting the bounding box of the recognized words using python-tesseract

How do I choose between Tesseract and OpenCV? [closed]

How do I edit text in a scanned .jpeg?

OpenCV Adaptive Threshold OCR

How to get the word under the cursor in Windows?

ocrmypdf - could not find source-pdf?

Tesseract running error

How to remove OCR from a PDF?

Any tools to automate OCR of scanned PDF files in a manner similar to Acrobat's OCR feature? [closed]

How can I convert scanned images as PDF to a searchable PDF file? [closed]

Limit characters tesseract is looking for

How can I process/read checkmarks on a paper form?

Search over different types of documents such as DjVU sometimes without OCR?

Easiest way to scan ISBN number from books