New posts in numbers

Numbers - date cell set to last day of the month

"an estimated 75 000 lives" [duplicate]

Changing the sign of a number in PHP?

JavaScript adding decimal numbers issue [duplicate]

Show a leading zero if a number is less than 10 [duplicate]

Is there a fraction prefix for “(one-)third”?

How can I generate a random number in a certain range?

Is it technically correct to describe normal figures and text figures as upper case and lower case numbers?

Is it possible to remove cell borders from Numbers?

Is there a symbol for "multiple"?

Is it proper to use ordinal suffixes on fractions?

How can I make the HTML5 number field display trailing zeroes?

Loop until a specific user input [duplicate]

How to add a calendar month to a date?

Strange behaviour with numbers that have a leading zero [duplicate]

Why “Many and many A year ago”, not “Many, many years ago? Are they same?

Converting hexadecimal to float in JavaScript

C# Random Numbers aren't being "random"

Does "n * (rand() / RAND_MAX)" make a skewed random number distribution?

After 13 years in the 21st century, what conclusion have we come to regarding the short forms of the names of the years?