New posts in ntpd

Different offset in "ntpq -p" and "ntpdate -q"

Do I need ntpd on a LAMP server?

NTP running, server time is wrong on VM

Problem synchronizing server time with ntpd

Hosting an NTP server on a standalone network

ntpq -pn gets timeout, (because i think) nptd doesn't bind to ::1, why?

NTP server architecture

Which server will ntpd daemon prefer for time synchronization if we have multiple servers in ntp.conf file

Centos ntpd can't sync [closed]

ntpd -g does not sync the clock

ntpd does not sync clock if it gets internet connection little late

How do I determine the current state of an NTP server on Linux?

NTP/Chrony not keeping time synchronized on CentOS 7.9 (VM running on VMware ESXi)

Using NTP to sync a group of linux servers to a common time source

ntpd gets "connect: invalid argument" on

NTP not syncing, only syncs on service restart

Building a local time server

How to make NTP work despite a high offset?

How to force locally isolated ntpd update time

NTPD seems to delete all network interfaces