New posts in nicknames

Finding Meanings of English Names [duplicate]

Looking for an appropriate English name to replace my Chinese name [closed]

Are there any poetic names for a "rainbow"

Why were some guns such as the Thompson submachine gun nicknamed 'chicago piano'?

Just as there are a few nicknames for the U.S. ("Uncle Sam", "Columbia", "Yankee Land"), are there nicknames for England, or the U.K. for that matter?

How to indicate middle name is preferred name in professional email signature

In what circumstances are people's names shortened and given an '-ers' ending?

What is another name for Dick?

Why are Australian redheads often called 'bluey'?

Special name for royal titles?

How common are hypocorisms ending with "s" in female names? (Babs, Bess, Becks...)

Why do some nicknames have no apparent relation with their original counterparts? [duplicate]

Quotation marks for nicknames

Capitalization rules for nicknames and name-replacing honorifics

Term for nicknames with different first letter

Derogatory name for Average Joe type